Thursday 12 October 2017

Copying content of one file to another file

f1=open("OldFile.txt","w")                //Opening of old file in write mode for writing the data
f1.write("This is old file")                  //Writing to the file
f1.close()                                            //Closing of old file

f1=open("OldFile.txt","r")                //Opening new file in read mode                                    //Reading from file and storing data into another variable
f1.close()                                           //Closing of old file

f2=open("NewFile.txt","w")             //Opening new file in write mode for copying the data
f2.write(text)                                     //Writing data means copying the of old file to new file
f2.close()                                           //Closing of new file

f2=open("Newfile.txt","r")               //Opening new file in read mode  
print(                                  //Reading copied data from new file
f2.close()                                           //Closing new file

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fabtab={} def fabonacci(n):     fabtab[0]=0     fabtab[1]=1     for i in range(2,n+1):         fabtab[i]=fabtab[i-1]+fabtab[i-2]         ...